Mengkaji Faktor Pendukung, Penghambat dan Solusi Revitalisasi Posyandu Berbasis Masyarakat di Kota Yogyakarta


The existence of Posyandu as a means to provide the society with basic health services such as
minimizing or lowering the number of mother and child death has been well received by the society
and perceived as benefcial. Unfortunately, not all Posyandus can meet the expectation of the society
in terms of the provision and the quality of the services due to internal and external factors. This
research is to review the supporting and inhibiting factors which influence Posyandu’s performance.
The study was exploratory in nature and was conducted in three villages in Mergangsan Sub-district
of Yogyakarta. The data were collected using interviews, observations, documents and focus-group
discussion (FGD) and were analyzed qualitatively. The results of research reveal that the factors
supporting the performance of posyandu are the participation of the society, endorsement and support
from the members and management of the family welfare program (PKK), the support or facilities from
the government and other stakeholders. The inhibiting factors are the ineffectiveness of regeneration
process at the village level, the ignorance or lack of awareness from the upper middle class of the,
the citizen forums have little or no concern on the development program that has been held by the
women and the lack of government appreciation for the social workers running the Posyandus. The
performance of the Posyandus can be improved or revitalized by increasing the numbers of skilled
young social workers, the socialization of the Posyandu programs and the involvement of men in the
Posyandu’s activity as well as the increasing the budget to fnance the Posyandu’s services.
Keywords : revitalizations, Posyandu, society based
Keberadaan Posyandu sebagai sarana masyarakat memperoleh pelayanan kesehatan dasar termasuk
mempercepat penurunan angka kematian ibu dan bayi telah dilaksanakan masyarakat dan dirasakan
manfaatnya. Namun dalam pelaksanaannya belum semua posyandu mampu memberikan pelayanan yang
optimal dikarenakan berbagai penyebab yaitu faktor internal maupun eksternal posyandu. Tujuan penelitian
ini untuk mengkaji faktor pendukung dan penghambat penyelenggaraan kegiatan Posyandu, menemukan
solusi revitalisasi penyelenggaraan Posyandu . Metode penelitian dilakukan secara eksploratif sebagai sampel
tiga kelurahan di Kecamatan Mergangsan Kota Yogyakarta. Data dikumpulkan dengan cara wawancara,
observasi, dokumentasi dan FGD. Hasil penelitian dilakukan analisis dengan cara kualitatif. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan bahwa faktor pendukung penyelenggaraan kegiatan Posyandu adalah sifat kegotongroyongan
masyarakat, dukungan Tim Penggerak PKK dan Pengurus PKK , pemberian fasilitas dari pemerintah serta
perhatian dari pihak lain. Faktor penghambat penyelenggaraan kegiatan Posyandu adalah tidak berjalannya
regenerasi pengurus di tingkat RW, kurang pedulinya warga tingkat ekonomi menengah keatas terhadap
keberadaan posyandu, forum warga belum memperhatikan program pembangunan yang telah dilaksanakan
oleh para wanita, dan penghargaan pemerintah terhadap para kader belum memadai. Solusi revitalisasi
penyelenggaraan Posyandu adalah meningkatkan jumlah kader muda dengan kemampuan yang memadai,
sosialisasi posyandu dan pelibatan kaum lelaki dalam penyelenggaraan kegiatan, dan peningkatan anggaran
terutama untuk pelaksanaan pelayanan.
Kata kunci : revitalisasi, posyandu, berbasis masyarakat