
This paper offers to oversee the implementation of the Village Law. When it was established four years ago, stakeholders responding to the advocacy of the Village Law were still limited to strengthening the technocratic-administrative dimensions of implementing the regulation. Stakeholders ignore the political dimension that is laden with conflict in the phase of policy implementation. It is important to manage the technocracy-administrative dimension and the political dimension simultaneously in order to achieve the policy mission. Therefore, the author offers the concept of change management that rests on a contextual model. The contextual model in policy implementation emphasizes the function of learning among stakeholders presumed to be a spirit in managing changes in village reform. The entire agenda is in the stages of change, therefore it is placed in the vision of learning both the stage of melting, movement and institutionalization of the results of changes.
Kata Kunci: policy implementation, change management, contextual model, learning.

Tulisan ini merupakan tawaran konseptual dalam mengawal implementasi UU Desa. Paska ditetapkan empat tahun lalu, para pemangku kepentingan merespon advokasi UU Desa masih sebatas memperkuat dimensi teknokrasi-adiministratif pelaksanaan regulasi tersebut.Para pemangku kepentingan mengabaikan dimensi politis yang sarat dengan konflik dalam fase implementasi kebijakan.Penting kiranya mengelola dimensi teknokrasi-administratif dan dimensi politis secara simultan guna mencapai misi kebijakan.Oleh karena itu, penulis menawarkan konsep manajemen perubahan (change management) yang berpijak pada model kontekstual.Model kontekstual dalam implementasi kebijakan menekankan fungsi pembelajaran (learning) diantara para pemangku kepentingan diandaikan menjadi spirit dalam mengelola perubahan pembaruan desa.Seluruh agenda dalam tahap-tahap perubahan, oleh karenanya diletakkan dalam visi pembelajaran baik tahap pencairan, pergerakan, maupun pelembagaan hasil-hasil perubahan (refreezing).
Kata Kunci: implementasi kebijakan, manajemen perubahan, model kontekstual, pembelajaran (learning).
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