
This study uses grounded theory method, in which the approach taken is by ï¬eld work observations. The observation instruments used in the ï¬eld is in-depth interviews with list of questions. The results showed that the effectiveness of the role of community groups in an effort to improve the welfare center for the furniture industry is very high; it is seen from the indicators of economic well-being of the community members and the increased ownership of assets / capital investment for reproduction. According to the theory of success in accumulating assets and undertake reinvestment by community groups, there is a characteristic or a form of social entrepreneurship.  The community group’s role effectiveness is also demonstrated by the increase in the group members’ productivity. This is in line with Input-Process-Output Model theory of Strategic Entrepreneurship, which stated that community groups successfully processes input and outputs which provide proï¬ts for the members, their own institution and social groups. While the barriers faced by community groups in the effort improving the welfare for the furniture industry are: internal and external. Internal obstacles are the low creation and innovation as the members’ low formal education background; moreover transparency lack is also a source of internal constraints for community groups. The external constraint is due to negative stereotype against community groups and the post power syndrome of senior public ï¬gures.
Keywords: Community Empowerment, Community Groups, Social Entrepreneurship, Welfare.

Penelitian ini menggunakan metode grounded theory, dimana pendekatan yang dilakukan
dengan terjun langsung di lapangan untuk melakukan pengamatan. Sedangkan intrumen pengamatan di lapangan melalui in-depth interview dengan daftar pertanyaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektiï¬tas peran KUBE dalam upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan sentra industri mebel sangat tinggi, hal ini dilihat dari indikator kesejahteraan ekonomi masyarakat anggota KUBE yang meningkat dan adanya kepemilikan asset/ investasi untuk modal reproduksi kembali. Menurut teori keberhasilan dalam mengakumulasi asset dan melakukan reinvestment oleh KUBE merupakan ciri atau bentuk dari social entrepreneurship. Efektiï¬tas peran KUBE juga ditunjukkan adanya peningkatan produktiï¬tas masyarakat anggota  KUBE. Hal ini sejalan dengan teori  Input-Process-Output Model Strategic Entrepreneurship, bahwa KUBE berhasil melakukan orcestrasi input-proses dab ouput untuk mengahsilkan keuntungan bagi personal anggota, kelembagaan kelompok sendiri dan lingkungan sosial masyarakat sekitar. Sedangkan hambatan yang dihadapi KUBE dalam upaya peningkatan kesejahteraan sentra industri mebel adalah; bersifat internal dan eksternal. Kendala internal adalah masih rendahnya kreasi dan inovasi anggota karena latarbelakang formal pendidikan yg rendah, disamping itu transparansi juga menjadi sumber kendala internal KUBE. Kendala eksternal adalah adanya stereotype negatif  terhadap KUBE dan adanya postpower syndrome tokoh masyarakat yang senior.
Kata kunci: Pemberdayaan Masyarakat, KUBE, Social Entrepreneurship, Kesejahteraan.