
Article 27 paragraph 2 of the 1945 Constitution concerning human rights mandates that every Indonesian citizen has the right to livelihood and decent work. So that work is one of the rights of every citizen who must be upheld and respected. While the limitations of the domestic workforce encourage people to ï¬nd work in other countries as Indonesian workers (TKI). The choice to become a migrant worker has many risks such as human trafï¬cking, fraud and abuse. TKI problems also occur when they arrive in their respective regions such as divorce, neglect of children, and the use of unproductive remittance funds. Various efforts have been made by the government to minimize the increasingly complex problems of TKI, one of which is by the Ministry of Manpower through a Desa Migran Produktif Program (Desmigratif) in Kuripan Village. Desmigratif in Kuripan Village has been carried out since 2016. The program aims to empower, improve protection and service for migrant workers, prospective migrant workers, full migrant workers and families of migrant workers in Kuripan Village, and encourage the active role of village government from TKI and all stakeholders.
This study aims to describe the strategy for implementing the Desmigratif Program in Kuripan Village and its supporting factors and barriers. This research includes descriptive research with a qualitative approach. The subjects of this study were the Desmigrative Ofï¬cer of the Kuripan Village, the Kuripan Village Government, and program participants. Data collection is done by observation, interviews, and documentation. The steps of analysis in this study are (1) Data reduction (2) Data presentation (3) Drawing conclusions.
The results of this study indicate that the strategy for implementing the program is carried out through program socialization efforts, providing facilities, information, and activities, and collaborating with several related parties. Supporting factors in the implementation of Desmigratif are the support of the Kuripan Village Government, the enthusiasm of the participants, and available facilities. While the inhibiting f actors are the lack of budget, the partiality of the Kuripan Village community to the large brokers, the lack of the number and quality of available human resources, the lack of training for participants, the absence of production group PIRT permits, and limited product marketing.
Keywords: Strategy, Desa Migran Produktif Program

Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 pasal 27 ayat 2 tentang hak asasi manusia mengamanatkan bahwa setiap WNI berhak atas penghidupan dan pekerjaan yang layak. Sehingga bekerja merupakan salah satu hak setiap WNI yang wajib dijunjung tinggi dan dihormati. Sedangkan keterbatasan lapanggan kerja di dalam negeri mendorong masyarakat mencari pekerjaan di negara lain sebagai tenaga kerja Indonesia (TKI). Pilihan menjadi TKI memiliki banyak resiko seperti perdagangan manusia, penipuan, dan penganiyayaan. Permasalahan TKI juga terjadi saat mereka tiba didaerahnya masing-masing seperti perceraian, penelantaran anak, dan penggunaan dana remitansi yang belum produktif. Berbagai upaya dilakukan pemerintah untuk meminimalisir masalah TKI yang semakin komplek, salah satunya oleh Kementerian Ketenagakerjaan melalui Program Desa Migran Produktif (Desmigratif) di Desa Kuripan. Desmigratif  di Desa Kuripan telah dilaksanakan sejak 2016. Program ini bertujuan untuk memberdayakan, meningkatkan perlindungan dan pelayanan terhadapTKI, CalonTKI, TKI purna dankeluargaTKI di Desa Kuripan, serta mendorongperanaktifpemerintahdesaasalTKI danseluruh pemangkukepentingan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan strategi pelaksanaan Program Desmigratif di Desa Kuripan serta faktor pendukung dan penghambatnya. Penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subyek penelitian ini adalah petugas Desmigratif Desa Kuripan, Pemerintah Desa Kuripan, dan peserta program. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Adapun langkah-langkah analisis dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) Reduksi data (2) Penyajian data (3) Penarikan kesimpulan.
Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa strategi pelaksanaan program dilakukan melalui upaya sosialisasi program, menyediakan fasilitas, informasi, dan kegiatan-kegiatan, serta  bekerjasama dengan beberapa pihak terkait. Faktor pendukung dalam pelaksanaan Desmigratif yaitu dukungan Pemerintah Desa Kuripan, semangat para peserta, dan fasilitas yang tersedia. Sedangkan faktor penghambat didalamnya yaitu minimnya anggaran, keberpihakan masyarakat Desa Kuripan terhadap calo yang masih sangat besar, minimnya jumlah dan kualitas sumber daya manusia yang tersedia, minimnya pelatihan bagi para peserta, tidak adanya izin PIRT kelompok produksi, dan area pemasaran produk yang terbatas.
Kata Kunci: Strategi, Program Desa Migran Produktif