Integrasi CSR: upaya Mengatasi Dominasi Superordinat Dan Resistensi Subordinat Dalam Konflik industri di Indonesia


It is undeniable that the industrial growth increases rapidly as a means of fulfilling human needs in Indonesia. Despite maximizing the way of thinking, this development brings a positive impact on improving economic productivity. Particularly, business sectors creating more jobs for civilizations of being supported by the regional autonomy policy pushes the competitiveness among local governments for improving themselves, one of these, by giving an opportunity for companies as local development assets. Thus, the level of human welfare can rise as fast as the industrial growth. Overtaking these profits, this improvement leaves demerits for both natural habitants and human socities. The industrial waste impacts on ecological and environmental damage, and profit and social management imbalances in company causes industrial conflicts in several areas. This essay presents ideas for realizing conflict resolution becoming more equitable emphasing on community empowerment process representing fairness, accountability, opportunity, participation, cooperation, equality and sustainable learning process. Companies implementing Corporate Social Responsibililty (CSR) strategy through community development practices are aimed at managing and reducing inequality and social impacts occuring between companies and local communities, so this can increase the welfare of the community. The investment of CSR programs implemented by company through the concept of justice and equity is a means for strengthening social capital leading to a positive peace since this system is aimed not only to reduce the conflict but also to establish a cohesive collaboration and cooperation among the stakeholders (companies, communities and governments). In short, integrated CSR provide new hope for the success of sustainable development, so the industrial conflict can be avoided, the opportunity to improve the welfare can be provided, as well as the maximum profits for company due to security guarantess can be generated. As a result, CSR is the most viable solution as a bridge and cofllict resolution efforts through community development practices to accommodate various considerations.