Pemberdayaan Kelompok Rentan Difabel Melalui Kemitraan Multipihak

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Reiki Nauli Harahap ,Arnola Septa Maheswara


Underdevevechment, poverty and vulnerability become factors inhibiting disability from
fulfilling their well-being. Third-party intervention is needed to accelerate the provision
of a decent life for people with disabilities.Goverment, businesses, and community
groups are faced with different limitations. Synergy becomes the main issue so that the
empowerment of vulnerable groups through programs that carried out by multi-parties
can run effectively. This research was conducted in Kabupaten Cilacap with qualitative
methods and descriptive analysis approaches. This research is guided by convergence
theory so that the author can analyze and sharpen the issues that discussed in this
paper, so that information is obtained that in an activity multi-stakeholders partnership
requires several catalysts as trigger factors and continued with mutual agreement and
collective action so that the intended thing can be achieved. Physiotherapy massage
training program is an example of best practice in the multi-party partnership agenda
to implement the empowerment program of vulnerable groups with disabilities. The
creation of welfare for difabel must involve many parties, Pertuni (CSO) stand-in as the
main pillars driving change and empowerment, PT Holcim Indonesia Tbk Cilacap Plant
(Private sector) as a supporting actor and the Cilacap Regency Government (state) as
an actor who exercises control through the formulation of social policies. There are six
catalysts that trigger disability empowerment by the three parties including internal
stimulus, change angent, innovation, technology, policy and mass media.

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How to Cite
Reiki Nauli Harahap ,Arnola Septa Maheswara. (2021). Pemberdayaan Kelompok Rentan Difabel Melalui Kemitraan Multipihak. Jurnal Masyarakat Dan Desa, 1(2), 164–178.